akte pengesahan notaris di atas surat wasiat rahas bahasa Inggris
- akte: title; certificate; deed of conveyance; official
- pengesahan: authentication; confirmation; endorsement;
- notaris: notary; public notary; notary public; scrivener;
- di: about; at; at the; of which; on; there; where
- di atas: above; aloft; o'er; on the top of; onto; up; up
- atas: above; on; up; upon; top of page; head; upper;
- surat: a letter home; epistle; letter; letters; sheet;
- surat wasiat: testament; will and testament; will; suicide
- wasiat: escrow; lastwill; testament; will of; will and
- akte notaris: act of notary
- dibawah akte notaris: under the notary act
- surat wasiat: testament; will and testament; will; suicide note; last will
- surat pengesahan hakim: probate
- surat (akte) kelahiran: birth certificate
- dengan surat wasiat: testamentary